Lost 91-year-old woman reunited with her son

On 09-07-18, at approximately 4:45p.m. hours, a 91-year-old driver drove into a CHP inspection bays stating she was looking for her son’s house and was lost. She appeared disoriented as to her location.

Using her cell phone in an attempt to locate possible family members, CHP was able to contact her son who lives in Fresno. Her son responded from Fresno with his wife and picked up his mom who was waiting comfortably in their break room.

CHP employees made sure the lost driver had plenty of water and even gave her a milkshake which she enjoyed. As older population grows in size, please be aware of possible signs of cognitive impairment with older drivers. Confusion, disorientation and other indicators such as driving late at night (habits older drivers don’t often do) might signal they need help. If so, contact your local authorities.

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