The Merced Sheriffs Office Dive Team located a deceased male in the Merced River at around 8:45 a.m today.
The unidentified person was located about 40 yards from the area where he went missing according to a recent Press Release from the Sheriffs Department.

The Dive team responded to the river on August 18th, 2019, at approximately 1:58 p.m. for a report of a male subject who was riding his horse near the river and attempted to cross the river.
During that time, it was believed that the horse lost its footing and stepped off into a deep area of the river causing the horse to start swimming according to investigators.
At this time it is unknown if the subject was thrown or dismounted from the horse, but the horse swam back to shore without his rider, the horse was unharmed.
There does not appear to be any signs of foul play, however, the Merced County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Bureau and Coroner Bureau are investigating the incident.
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